At Willamette Outdoor Wash, we specialize in providing top-quality window washing services that leave your windows sparkling clean and streak-free. Our team of experienced professionals uses advanced techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to ensure the best results for your home or business.
One of the key components of our window washing process is the use of DI (deionized) filtered water fed poles. This innovative method involves purifying water through a deionization system, which removes all impurities and minerals. The result is ultra-pure water that, when used for cleaning, dries without leaving any spots or streaks. This method is not only highly effective but also environmentally friendly, as it eliminates the need for harsh chemicals.
Our DI filtered water fed poles allow us to clean windows up to several stories high from the ground level, ensuring both safety and efficiency. This approach is particularly beneficial for reaching high or hard-to-access windows, making it ideal for residential properties, office buildings, and commercial establishments alike.
In addition to our advanced exterior cleaning technology, we also provide meticulous interior window cleaning using the traditional soap and squeegee method. Our skilled technicians carefully apply a specialized cleaning solution to break down dirt and grime, followed by the expert use of squeegees to remove the solution and leave your windows flawlessly clean. This tried-and-true method ensures a thorough clean and a streak-free shine on all interior surfaces.
To complement our comprehensive window cleaning services, we also offer screen and sill cleaning at an additional cost. Over time, screens and sills can accumulate dust, pollen, and other debris, detracting from the overall cleanliness of your windows. Our team will thoroughly clean and detail your window screens and sills, ensuring that every part of your window is spotless and well-maintained. This additional service enhances the appearance of your windows and extends the life of your screens and window components.
Our comprehensive approach to window cleaning means we leave no detail overlooked. From the glass panes to the window frames and sills, we ensure every part of your window is spotless. We take great pride in our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. Our team carefully inspects each window to ensure that every speck of dirt and grime is removed, leaving your windows crystal clear and enhancing the overall appearance of your property.
Choose Willamette Outdoor Wash for your window washing needs and experience the difference that professional, high-quality service can make. Whether you need a one-time cleaning or regular maintenance, we are here to provide exceptional results that will exceed your expectations. Request a free quote today.